xoxo. | Artistic Maven


Hello everyone, I have finally completed my letter to you. If you are reading this then you have:
1. been following my blog for some time
2. have stumbled upon it by accident
If you fall under one of those categories just know that I am extremely grateful for you guys. I was skeptical about starting a blog, especially a fashion/beauty/lifestyle blog. I was never the most confident person but I decided that I should just go for it. This blog has proved to me that my style and interests also interest my readers. I have been extremely blessed to have the technology and money to create images, outfits, and posts for all of you guys. I have thought long and hard about keeping this blog up. The stress of having this blog has been outweighed by all the support I have received. I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of amazing people in the blogging community. These people have spread so much love and really helped me move forward. I have also gotten the confidence to extend this into a YouTube Channel and join Ipsy OS. Things that I didn't even know were possible came into play. It is always fun to have platforms where you can write about your passions and create content with other people with like interests so I am glad that I have ran with this for that past couple of years. When you love something it is not a job, it is simply something that you love. That was a huge lesson I learned through all of this. I went through times where I wasn't sure if me posting would really pay off or if anyone would enjoy it or if I could turn this into a job but I realized I don't need to look at this as a job I need to look at like a passion. I will continue to thank everyone that comes back to read my blog and support something that I love. You all mean so much to me and make this all possible for me.

Bailey Cornwell

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